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How to Pay for College Workshop


The deadline to apply for financial aid from the state and federal government is fast approaching on March 2, 2022. Families in California that earn up to $191,000 dollars annually are eligible for financial aid, which is why it is so critical to apply. For many students and parents the application process may seem difficult or confusing and you may have questions on whether your family qualifies for financial aid. We invite you to join the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) this Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. to answer your questions and to ensure that you are aware of the many ways to fund your or your student’s education. CSAC is the principal state agency responsible for administering financial aid programs for students attending public and private universities, colleges, and vocational schools in California.

Every year students miss out on billions of dollars in grant and scholarship money simply because they didn’t know they were eligible. In this workshop, CSAC will explain how to correctly fill out the FAFSA. You will also find out important information about the types of scholarships or grants you may be eligible for and how to apply. Don’t wait to get benefits for yourself or for your children! Feel free to ask any questions you have during the event.

You can join us LIVE on Facebook at Feel free to ask questions in the LIVE chat, or reply to this email and we'll be sure to respond after consulting with the experts.

This video will be available for playback on my website following the event. 

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or my team if you have any questions about this event or are in need of assistance with state-related issues.
