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Standing Committees

Utilities and Energy, Chair
The Utilities and Energy Committee provides legislative oversight on issues involving investor-owned public utilities for the state of California. The subjects within the jurisdiction of the committee include: common carriers; energy conservation; research development, and demonstration and siting of power plants; expansion of overseas markets; interstate commerce; and matters regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission, including investor-owned utility rate increases, water utilities, telecommunications, and trucking.

The Budget Committee's jurisdiction is the California State Budget.  

The Insurance Committee oversees insurance (excluding health insurance), workers' compensation, and unemployment compensation.  

Economic Development, Growth, and Household Impact
The Economic Development, Growth, and Household Impact Committee oversees issues involving California's economy, and the state's economic development including but not limited to: international trade, capital formation, small businesses and microenterprises.

Privacy and Consumer Protection
The Assembly Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee has jurisdiction over matters related to privacy, the protection of personal information (including digital information), the security of data, and information technology, as well as false advertising, charitable solicitations, weights and measures, and consumer protection generally.

Joint Committees

Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies
The Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies provides ongoing and permanent oversight over the implementation of the state's climate policies. The Committee makes recommendations concerning the state's programs, policies, and investments related to climate change.