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Press Releases

RELEASE: Jesse Cuevas Appointed Chief Consultant of the Assembly’s Accountability and Administrative Review Committee

Office of Assemblywoman Petrie-Norris

SACRAMENTO – The Assembly’s Committee on Accountability and Administrative Review has a new Chief Consultant, Jesse Cuevas. Cuevas will be leading this committee with a data-driven approach and will be focused on ensuring efficiency in our state government. The committee’s purview includes identifying inefficiencies in the management of state government, reviewing and studying the implementation, operation and effectiveness of state programs and agencies. 

RELEASE: Legislation to Protect Substance Use Recovery Patients from Bad Actors Advances

AB 1158 Will Ensure Patients in Recovery are Protected Under Law

SACRAMENTO - In response to an 18% increase in overdoses nationwide, legislation to protect patients recovering from alcohol and substance use advances to the Assembly Floor. AB 1158, authored by Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, will protect recovering patients from abusive practices by requiring licensed recovery and treatment facilities to maintain minimum insurance coverage.   

Statement from Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris on the Governor’s Proposed Budget-May Revise

SACRAMENTO — Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris (D-Laguna Beach), Chair of the Assembly’s Accountability & Administrative Review Committee, released the following statement in response to the Governor’s May revision proposal for the 2020-21 state budget:
“Over the past year, California has navigated a period of unprecedented challenge. As we emerge from this pandemic, the 2021-22 budget is a historic opportunity to set California on a robust path to recovery. 

RELEASE: Bill to Expand Domestic Violence Services Advances

AB 689 Will Modernize Hotline Services to Include Text and Chat

SACRAMENTO – Legislation to expand domestic violence services, authored by Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, has passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee with unanimous bipartisan support. AB 689 will allow for survivors of domestic violence to seek help via text and other computer-based technologies.

RELEASE: Momentum Builds to End Child Marriage in California

AB 1286 Will Strengthen County Reporting Requirements

SACRAMENTO – In a critical step to end child marriage, Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris has introduced AB 1286 which passed the Assembly Health Committee with unanimous bipartisan support. This bill requires counties to report the number of child marriages to the state on a quarterly basis. California is one of only 13 states that does not have a minimum age requirement for marriage. By increasing this data, California will have a stronger case to ban child marriage.

RELEASE: Earth Day Focus on Sea-Level Rise Prevention

Leading Experts Strategize to Safeguard California’s Coast and Cut Green Tape

SACRAMENTO – In celebration of Earth Day, Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris held a virtual press conference with leading scientists and advocates to highlight the risks threatening California’s coastal communities. The Assemblywoman highlighted legislative efforts to cut green tape and expand coastal protection. 

RELEASE: Legislation to Close a Dangerous Ghost Gun Loophole Moves Forward

AB 1057 Adds Handmade Firearms to Gun Violence Restraining Orders

SACRAMENTO – America continues to battle an epidemic of gun violence. In the last month alone, our nation has suffered more than 45 mass shootings. In response to this rise in gun violence, the California Legislature continues to work for comprehensive gun safety laws. AB 1057, authored by Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, has passed the Assembly’s Public Safety Committee and would allow for the seizure of ghost guns when an emergency Gun Violence Restraining Order (GVRO) is served.

ADVISORY: Bill to Close Dangerous Ghost Gun Loophole Heads to Public Safety Committee

AB 1057 Adds Handmade Firearms to Gun Violence Restraining Orders

SACRAMENTO – Tuesday, April 20th, AB 1057 will be considered by the California Assembly Public Safety Committee. This bill will protect public safety and stem the scourge of gun violence by allowing for the seizure of ghost guns when an emergency Gun Violence Restraining Order (GVRO) is served.

RELEASE: Legislation to Protect California from Sea-Level Rise Passes First Committee

AB 67 & AB 72 Will Cut Unnecessary Green Tape and Safeguard the Coast

SACRAMENTO – With broad support from environmental groups, two coastal protection bills authored by Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris have passed unanimously out of the Assembly’s Committee on Natural Resources. AB 67 – The 2021 Sea-Level Rise Preparedness Act – will ensure all state agencies conduct a standard, robust sea-level rise analysis before investing in infrastructure projects along the coast. AB 72 – The 2021 Coastal Adaptation Permitting Act – will rationalize the regulatory approval process for critical coastal adaptation projects.