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ADVISORY: Assembly Select Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship Holds First Informational Hearing

Hearing Will Focus on Pandemic Recovery for Small Businesses

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO – On Monday, July 12, 2021, Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, Chair of the Select Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, will convene a hearing focused on small business recovery following the COVID-19 Pandemic. Panelists will present data of the current state of recovery and policy solutions for critical challenges facing small businesses. 

“As we build back from this pandemic, we can’t forget about our small businesses,” said Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris (D-Laguna Beach). “This hearing will be centered on how the state can support small businesses, entrepreneurs and their employees so they can not only survive in the short-term through this pandemic-induced recession but thrive long-term.”

Monday, July 12, 2021

Informational Hearing

9:30am - 12pm

State Capitol, Room 437

To view live, go to:

Hearing Agenda Online


  • Tara Lynn Gray, Director, California’s Office of Small Business Advocate
  • Brian Uhler, Deputy Legislative Analyst, Legislative Analyst's Office
  • Bianca Blomquist, Senior California Policy & Engagement Manager, Small Business Majority
  •  Mike Daniel, Regional Director, Orange County Inland Empire SDC
  • Robert Rivinius, Executive Director, Family Business Association
  • Dr. Robert W. Fairlie, Professor of Economics, UC Santa Cruz