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Press Releases

ADVISORY: Next Wednesday – Small Business Roundtable on Regulatory Hurdles

Discussion with Local Business Leaders and Small Business Owners on Cutting Red Tape

COSTA MESA – On Wednesday, October 6, 2021, Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, Chair of the California Assembly Select Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SB&E), will convene a small business roundtable focusing on cutting red tape and rationalizing regulations for small business success. Information and recommendations received during the hearing will provide a foundation for evaluating state programs and legi

RELEASE: Bill to Cut Unnecessary Green Tape Becomes Law

AB 72 Will Protect California Coast from Sea-Level Rise

SACRAMENTO — Legislation to cut unnecessary green tape and increase sea-level rise mitigation initiatives along the California coast has been signed into law by the Governor. Authored by Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, AB 72 will establish a coordinated and efficient process for coastal adaptation permitting. 

RELEASE: Legislation to Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change Along the California Coast Signed into Law

AB 63 Will Help Protect Marine Habitats

SACRAMENTO - In an effort to combat the detrimental effects of climate change, legislation to expand opportunities for marine restoration work along the California Coast was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom. Authored by Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, AB 63 will update the Marine Managed Areas Improvement Act (MMAIA) to permit restoration in marine conservation areas (Video from with Local Marine Biologist on AB 63).

RELEASE: Substance Abuse Recovery Patient Protection Bill Passed by the Legislature

AB 1158 Puts Patients Before Profits

SACRAMENTO – After one scheme out of Orange County ran up $60 million in fake charges before investigators at the California Department of Insurance stopped it, both houses of the California Legislature have passed legislation authored by Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris to protect patients recovering from alcohol and substance abuse. AB 1158 requires minimum insurance coverages for substance use treatment centers and recovery residences. The coverage will require them to live up to higher standards that protect patients from abuse or injury.

RELEASE: Gun Safety Legislation Passed by the Legislature

Bill to Protect Californians from Ghost Guns Heads to Governor
SACRAMENTO – After a year of increased gun violence, the California State Legislature has approved legislation that closes a dangerous loophole in California’s gun safety laws. AB 1057, authored by Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, will allow for the seizure of ghost guns when an emergency Gun Violence Restraining Order (GVRO) or Domestic Violence Restraining Order (GVRO) is served. The Governor has until October 10, 2021 to sign or veto bills.

RELEASE: Bill to Cut Unnecessary Green Tape Awaits Signature

Legislation to Protect California Coast from Sea-Level Rise Advances

SACRAMENTO - Legislation to cut unnecessary green tape and increase sea-level rise mitigation initiatives along the California coast heads to the Governor’s desk for signature after passing on the Assembly floor on a 63-0 vote.

RELEASE: Legislation to Increase Marine Life Restoration Projects Moves Forward

AB 63 Will Help Mitigate Coastal Climate Change

SACRAMENTO – Legislation to expand opportunities for marine life restoration projects passed off the Senate floor on a 39-0 vote and now heads back to the Assembly for a final vote. Authored by Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, AB 63 will update the Marine Managed Areas Improvement Act (MMAIA) to increase opportunities for vital marine life restoration projects in classified marine conservation areas.

RELEASE: EDD Fraud Prevention Measure Approved by California Senate

Common-Sense Legislation will Protect Taxpayer Dollars from Fraudsters

SACRAMENTO – Legislation to implement standard fraud-prevention practices at California’s Employment Development Department (EED) passed off the Senate Floor on a 39-0 vote.