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Happy New Year

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As we approach the end of 2022, I take this opportunity to both express my gratitude for continuing to serve Orange County in the State Capitol and to reflect on the challenges and the achievements of this past year. Click on the below flipbook for a full year in review.

As I enter my third term in the legislature, I am hopeful for the many things we can accomplish together as a community. Economic development, climate resilience and public safety continue to be my top priorities for the year ahead.

One of the toughest moments we witnessed this year was the SCOTUS decision to reverse Roe v. Wade, putting 36 million Americans at risk of losing access to reproductive care. In the California Legislature we were quick to respond to this dangerous decision. We worked hard to pass legislation to increase our health workforce and expand access, not just for Californians, but for American women across the country who now will need to come to our state to access basic healthcare. With the support of millions of Californians, we were able to pass a Constitutional Amendment to enshrine the right to safe access to reproductive healthcare services in California, so for that, I thank you.

We are continuing to work on your behalf at the Capitol and here locally, and I am so proud of what we have been able to accomplish. We’ve helped hundreds of constituents secure assistance in times of need, and expedited requests through state agencies and departments. We have hosted 17 district events that include beach and river channel cleanups, senior scam stopper seminars, and car seat safety checkups—I hope to see you at one of our many upcoming events.

Of course, none of this would have been possible without my wonderful team, and the ongoing support of local organizations and community members like you. We look forward to continuing to develop our relationships and building new partnerships in 2023.

From my family to yours, best wishes for a safe, healthy and very happy new year.

With gratitude,
