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Press Releases

RELEASE: Immediate Relief for Small Businesses Quadrupled

$1.5BB Additional Relief Secured for Small Businesses & Nonprofits

SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom, Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon today announced a $9.6BB economic recovery package, including immediate actions to substantially increase aid for California small businesses & nonprofits who have been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic (RELEASE).

RELEASE: What Others Are Saying About the Golden State Innovation Act

Investing in Life Sciences is an Investment in CA’s Future

SACRAMENTO – At a virtual press conference, Assemblymembers Cottie Petrie-Norris, Tom Daly, Kevin Mullin and Jacqui Irwin unveiled coalition support and legislative details of the Golden State Innovation Act. Assembly Bill 593 will restore the Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit and Net Operating Loss (NOL) deductions for Life Sciences companies in California, at a pivotal point in the state’s pandemic response and recovery.

RELEASE: The Golden State Innovation Act Introduced

Securing California’s Role as the Nation’s Leader in Life Sciences & Setting CA on the Road to Recovery

SACRAMENTO – The Golden State Innovation Act of 2021 (AB 593) has been introduced to fuel job growth and innovation through the restoration of the Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit and Net Operating Loss (NOL) deduction for Life Sciences companies in California.  AB 593 was introduced by Assemblymembers Cottie Petrie-Norris, Kevin Mullin, Tom Daly and Jacqui Irwin and is supported by a coalition of Life Science companies and patient-advocacy groups.

RELEASE: Legislation Introduced to Increase Access to Senior Services

AB 540 Will Help Seniors Remain in Their Homes

SACRAMENTO — Assemblywoman Petrie-Norris has introduced Assembly Bill 540 which will help thousands of California’s growing population of seniors remain in their homes and in our communities, by improving beneficiary awareness and access to the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).

RELEASE: Oversight Hearing Brings Clarity to California’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

Administration Updated Legislature & the Public on New Rollout Plans

SACRAMENTO – At a joint oversight hearing February 10, 2021 of the Assembly Accountability and Administrative Review Committee and the Assembly Emergency Management Committee, legislators questioned the Administration on the COVID-19 vaccine distribution strategy. During the hearing, the Administration shared details on their shorterm and longterm plans for a successful and equitable rollout of the vaccine in California. Additionally, there was an update on vaccine distribution data, the MyTurn Appointment system and supply estimates for the upcoming months. 

RELEASE: California Lawmakers Announce EDD Reform Bills

Package of new legislation would alleviate the issues faced by millions of Californians in accessing unemployment benefits during the pandemic

SACRAMENTO — A group of California lawmakers announced a package of legislation today to bring necessary reforms and oversight to the Employment Development Department’s (EDD) unemployment insurance (UI) program. The bills would enact crucial oversight and consumer protection measures, ensure claimants get timely access to benefits, and address fraud. 

ADVISORY: Oversight Hearing - Employment Development Department

SACRAMENTO – Tomorrow, February 3, 2021, as Chair of the Assembly Accountability and Administrative Review Committee, Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris will be participating in an Oversight Hearing with the Assembly Insurance and Joint Legislative Audit Committees. The legislators will ask California’s Employment Development Department (EDD) questions about the report released by State Auditor Elaine Howle last week.

RELEASE: Garden Grove Men Charged with Opening Business to Defraud California Employment Development Department of Nearly $500,000 in Fake Unemployment Claims

Eight others, including two convicted murderers and four other prisoners, charged in schemes to steal tens of thousands of dollars by filing false unemployment applications

SANTA ANA, Calif. – Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer was joined by Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris at a press conference this morning to announce the prosecution of two business owners who opened up a Garden Grove storefront with the sole purpose of filing false unemployment claims with the state of California for people who did not qualify in order to steal taxpayer dollars intended to help those out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

RELEASE: Bill Introduced to Keep Laboratory Jobs Based in California

AB 265 Protects Jobs & Medi-Cal Services When We Need Them the Most
SACRAMENTO — In order to protect California jobs and preserve the state’s ability to provide critical services to Medi-Cal patients, Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris is reintroducing legislation to remove the 80% of Medicare cap on reimbursement rates for laboratories in California.