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ADVISORY: Joint Informational Hearing with the Select Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the Committee on Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy

Hearing Will Focus on Unique Challenges Facing Women- and Minority- Owned Businesses

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO – On Wednesday, August 18, 2021, Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, Chair of the Select Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SB&E) and Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes, Chair of the Committee on Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy (JEDE) will convene a joint informational hearing focused on examining the needs of women- and minority-owned small businesses. Information and recommendations received during the hearing will provide a foundation for committee members to evaluate state programs and legislative proposals in the upcoming Legislative Session.

“We know that the pandemic was devastating for all California business owners, but no one felt the effects of the pandemic more than women- and minority-owned small businesses,” said Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris (D-Laguna Beach), who chairs the SB&E Select Committee. “I look forward to diving into a conversation with the JEDE Committee on the specific challenges facing these hardest hit small businesses and how Legislature can support them in recovery.”

“Small businesses face many unique challenges in re-opening and re-positioning within the evolving COVID-19 pandemic,” said Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes (D-Corona), who chairs the JEDE Committee. “This joint hearing provides an important opportunity for the two committees to hear from a range of stakeholders on emerging issues, take recommendations, and identify areas where state programs and services need to be modified to better serve the needs of women- and minority-owned businesses.”

Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Informational Hearing
2pm - 4:30pm
Assembly Chamber
To view live, go to:
Hearing Agenda Online


  • Eugene Cornelius, Jr., Senior Director, Center for Regional Economics and California Center, Milken Institute
  • Pat Fong Kushida, President & CEO, CalAsian Chamber of Commerce
  • Nancy Swift, Executive Director, Jefferson Economic Development Institute and Chair of California Women’s Business Center Network
  • Andy Madeira, Chief Executive Officer, East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation
  • Carmen Herrera-Mansir, Executive Director, El Pájaro Community Development Corporation and host to the Regional Women’s Business Center
  • Nicole McDonald, owner of S.T.E.A.M. Academy
  • Monica Ochoa, owner of 1Day Cleaning