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RELEASE: Jesse Cuevas Appointed Chief Consultant of the Assembly’s Accountability and Administrative Review Committee

Office of Assemblywoman Petrie-Norris

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO – The Assembly’s Committee on Accountability and Administrative Review has a new Chief Consultant, Jesse Cuevas. Cuevas will be leading this committee with a data-driven approach and will be focused on ensuring efficiency in our state government. The committee’s purview includes identifying inefficiencies in the management of state government, reviewing and studying the implementation, operation and effectiveness of state programs and agencies. 
“With more than a decade of experience in state government, Cuevas brings a broad wealth of experience into this new position as Chief Consultant,” said Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris (D-Laguna Beach). “His combined experience serving in the Legislature and at a state agency will provide a critical perspective as this committee aims to make government work for all Californians, cut red tape and root out inefficient use of taxpayer dollars.”
Cuevas’ public service career started in 2010 as the Legislative Director for Assemblymember Henry T. Perea. In this role, he gained his first experience with oversight when he staffed legislation to reorganize the state drinking water program under the Water Resources Control Board, effectively turning an ineffective program into a board capable of meeting its demand. Cuevas has also volunteered with numerous community organizations, including serving as the Co-Chair and the Policy Director for the California Latino Capitol Association and later serving as the Treasurer for the California Chicano Latino Caucus. He was proud to grow the memberships of both organizations during his time in leadership. In 2015, he transitioned to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation where he became the Director of Legislation and Policy. His success in that role led him to be promoted within the department to Assistant Director in 2017. As Assistant Director, Cuevas served as Chief Regulatory Policy Advisor where he worked tirelessly to pass legislation that allowed the department to go after systemic cheating on pesticide licensing tests in effort to preserve the integrity of this license.  Most recently, Cuevas served as the Chief Deputy Director for the California Department of Pesticide Regulation in which he strove to increase productivity. Cuevas received his B.A. in Communications from Sacramento State and is a graduate of the Executive Leadership Program at UC Davis.