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ADVISORY: Bill to Close Dangerous Ghost Gun Loophole Heads to Public Safety Committee

AB 1057 Adds Handmade Firearms to Gun Violence Restraining Orders

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO – Tuesday, April 20th, AB 1057 will be considered by the California Assembly Public Safety Committee. This bill will protect public safety and stem the scourge of gun violence by allowing for the seizure of ghost guns when an emergency Gun Violence Restraining Order (GVRO) is served. By closing this loophole in the current law, law enforcement will be able to confiscate untraceable, handmade guns in addition to traditional licensed firearms when a person is deemed by the court to be a threat to themselves or others. 

“If something looks like a gun and shoots bullets like a gun it should be treated like a gun,” said Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris (D-Laguna Beach). “It is critical that we close this dangerous loophole—Assembly Bill 1057 will give the courts and law enforcement the tools to enforce restraining orders, and to protect innocent Californians from the tragedy of gun violence.”

By updating the definition of seizable firearms to include ghost guns for GVROs, AB 1057 ensures that these readily available weapons which look and act like any other firearm are treated appropriately by the law. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

1:30 p.m.

State Capitol, Room 4202

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