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ADVISORY: Oversight Hearing - Employment Development Department

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO – Tomorrow, February 3, 2021, as Chair of the Assembly Accountability and Administrative Review Committee, Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris will be participating in an Oversight Hearing with the Assembly Insurance and Joint Legislative Audit Committees. The legislators will ask California’s Employment Development Department (EDD) questions about the report released by State Auditor Elaine Howle last week.

“Last week’s state audit paints a picture as clear as day, EDD has been mismanaged and unprepared from the very beginning. And working Californians are the ones who have suffered the consequences,” said Assemblywoman Petrie-Norris (D-Laguna Beach). “This report makes it clear EDD knew better and should have done better— end of story. EDD’s new leadership must implement the audit recommendations to ensure the public gets their benefits.”

Wednesday, February 3, 2021
9:30 a.m.

State Capitol, Assembly Chamber

To view live, go to:

Hearing Agenda Online


  • Elaine M. Howle, CPA, California State Auditor
  • Bob Harris, Audit Principal
  • Eduardo Martinez, Legislative Director, California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO
  • Robert Moutrie, Policy Advocate, California Chamber of Commerce
  • Rita Saenz, Director, Employment Development Department
  • Carol Williams, Chief Deputy Director, Operations, Employment Development Department
  • Nancy Farias, Chief Deputy Director, External Affairs, Legislation, and Policy, Employment Development Department
  • Kevin Matulich, Deputy Director, Legislative Affairs, Employment Development Department