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08.20.21 Local, state officials spotlight Orange County mental health services

Excerpted from the Orange County Register

By Theresa Walker

A group of state and local officials gathered at the Be Well OC mental health services hub in Orange on Friday, Aug. 19, to applaud the on-site programs that began operating in January and celebrate an infusion of $5 million in state funds to help build a second campus.

Speaking at the Be Well OC event, state Sen. Pat Bates, R-Laguna Niguel, succinctly summed up the thinking of the day as she thanked senate colleague Tom Umberg and Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, both Democrats, for their bipartisan “heavy lifting” in working with her to secure not only the $5 million for a planned Be Well campus in Irvine but also $2 million for a database that will allow a host of different county departments to seamlessly share information on services provided to homeless and other high need individuals.