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01.27.2021 開假公司詐領失業金 橙縣起訴10人含囚犯 (Orange County Files Charges Against Ten For Fradulently Claiming Unemployment Benefits)

Excerpted from the Chinese World Journal

橙縣檢察長史匹澤(Todd Spitzer)與州眾議員佩崔諾利斯(Cottie Petrie-Norris)宣布,對兩名企業主提告,兩被告在橙縣園林市(Garden Grove)營業,但唯一的目地是向加州就業發展局(EDD)提交虛假的失業申請,詐騙加州近50萬元失業金,並替另外八名囚犯提出失業金詐騙。



Orange County Attorney General Todd Spitzer and State Rep. Cottie Petrie-Norris announced two business owners had filed a complaint against two business owners who operated in Garden Grove. They filed false unemployment claims with the California Employment Development Agency (EDD), defrauding California of nearly $500,000 in unemployment benefits, and file unemployment benefits fraud on behalf of eight other inmates.

Spitzer also announced charges against eight others, including six inmates serving time in state prisons, for defrauding California taxpayers of tens of thousands of dollars. Two of the six prisoners were convicted of murder for life, claiming that the outbreak affected their ability to work and that they were in fact serving sentences up to life imprisonment.