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08.27.20 Share Our Selves turns 50, hits the road

Excerpted from Coast Online

By Oceana Christopher

Share Our Selves (SOS), the Costa Mesa-based community health center, celebrated its 50th anniversary this August with the unveiling of a new mobile health unit.

Recently, the organization was able to complete the renovations needed to get a mobile medical unit up and running. Now underserved populations in Costa Mesa and neighboring Orange County cities will have greater access to the high-quality, comprehensive care that SOS offers, including medical, dental, women’s and children’s wellness services. 

Among those honored at the ribbon cutting ceremony were Congressman Harley Rouda, Costa Mesa Mayor Katrina Foley, and Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris. Each honoree was presented with the “Share Our Selves Health Center Champion Award” for their advocacy and on-going support of the organization.

“When you think about health, you have to think outside the four walls of a clinic- zip code matters, social connection matters, whether someone has a roof over their head or access to a meal matters- all these things matter. Some of these things I can fix with a prescription pad. For other things I have no way other than to partner with people in the community to provide the services that are needed,” said Dr. Jay Lee, SOS Chief Medical Officer. “With our mobile unit we have the opportunity to break down some of those walls of distance and isolation and be able to get to communities that are in great need of the services that we can provide.”