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SACRAMENTO BEE: Get birth control with an app? California Gov. Gavin Newsom will soon decide

Excerpted from the Sacramento Bee

By Andrew Sheeler

It could soon be legal to access birth control through a smartphone app.

California lawmakers have sent a bill to Gov. Gavin Newsom that “clarifies vague telehealth law related to safely prescribing prescriptions,” according to the office of bill sponsor Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, D-Laguna Beach.

“Birth control allows people to choose if and when to start a family and historically has afforded women more economic freedom,” Petrie-Norris said in prepared remarks. “It is paramount that women have access to the resources necessary to carefully plan a family as they see fit.”

The bill clarifies that doctors may prescribe birth control “via asynchronous patient interaction,” such as through an app, according to Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, a co-sponsor of the bill.

“We know, from medical experts and existing law that a video requirement is medically unnecessary and causes an arbitrary barrier to receiving care and providing care through telemedicine,” Planned Parenthood said in a statement supporting the bill.