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Helpful Tips for Bicycle Safety Month

bicycle safety month

Bicycling is good for the environment and your health, and a reliable way to get to the places you want to go.

May is Bicycle Safety Month, and there are some important tips for bicyclists and motorists heading into the Memorial Day weekend and summer months.

Nearly 1,000 bicyclists die and over 130,000 are injured in crashes that occur on roads in the U.S. every year. California had almost 8,800 bicycle crashes with 90% of them involving an injury. Injuries and deaths among bicyclists are preventable through effective interventions.

Safety Tips for bicyclists and motorists:

  • Never ride or drive distracted.
  • Never assume drivers are aware of your presence. Always make eye contact.
  • Always wear a bicycle helmet when on a bicycle and a seat belt when in a vehicle.
  • Know the Rules of the Road - A bicycle is considered a vehicle on the road with all the rights and responsibilities of motorized traffic.
  • Look carefully for bicyclists and pedestrians before making a turn or opening a car door near streets or bike paths.
  • Bicyclists must travel in the same direction of traffic and have the same requirements as any slow-moving vehicle.
  • Make yourself visible. Equip your bike with proper reflectors and lights.
  • Share the Road - Both motorist and bicyclist should look out for each other and show mutual respect.
  • Registration of your bicycle with the local police department will aid in its recovery in the event of theft.

Be safe and enjoy the miles of bike paths, beach trails and mountain trails located throughout Orange County!

OC Bike Info    E-Bike Safety
Costa Mesa Bicycle Registration    Irvine Bicycle Registration
Costa Mesa Walk + Roll Festival 5/27