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ADVISORY: Oversight Hearing - Employment Development Department
SACRAMENTO – Tomorrow, February 3, 2021, as Chair of the Assembly Accountability and Administrative Review Committee, Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris will be participating in an Oversight Hearing with the Assembly Insurance and Joint Legislative Audit Committees. The legislators will ask California’s Employment Development Department (EDD) questions about the report released by State Auditor Elaine Howle last week.
01.29.2021 Two audits tell the tale: How California failed to detect unemployment fraud
Excerpted from CalMatters
By Emily Hoeven
01.28.2021 California failed to heed warnings of unemployment benefit fraud for months, state audit says
Excerpted from The Los Angeles Times
By Patrick McGreevy
01.27.2021 開假公司詐領失業金 橙縣起訴10人含囚犯 (Orange County Files Charges Against Ten For Fradulently Claiming Unemployment Benefits)
Excerpted from the Chinese World Journal
1.26.2021 Commentary from Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris: With court appointments and GOP legislatures, Roe vs. Wade is under attack
Published in The Daily Pilot, January 26th, 2021
When I was born in 1975, Roe vs. Wade was already two years old. The “right to choose” to get an abortion is something I have known my entire life. To some extent, I — like many women of my generation — took this right for granted. It felt like part of the fabric of our lives. It felt like a fight that we had already won. It felt like we could move on to the next hill.
How wrong we were.