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05.28.21 State Bill Seeks to Close Restraining Order Ghost Gun Loophole

Excerpted from NBC7

By Alexis Rivas

“When I found out these ghost guns are not subject to California’s gun violence restraining orders,” said Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris (74th District - Orange County). “I was shocked, and I knew something had to be done to close this dangerous loophole”

Petrie-Norris worked with Friedman to author State Bill 1057, which classifies ghost gun parts as weapons that could be seized through a GVRO.


“This is a huge problem,” said Petrie-Norris. “Because we have gun violence restraining orders in place to protect our community from people who we know are dangerous. Right now, these people are not allowed to have traditional guns, but they’re allowed to have and to build ghost guns, that is a huge danger to the community, so we’ve got to close that loophole to keep all of us safe.”

Bill 1057 passed through the Assembly unanimously, and just this week it was assigned to a committee in the state Senate, which it must also clear before it can get to the governor’s desk.