Welcome to "Catching Up With Cottie" - a weekly update about what I am working on as your representative in the California State Assembly.
A little preview of the upcoming week: I will be presenting in committee my bill to require all individuals convicted of drunk driving to install a breathalyzer in their vehicle. We have all heard far too many heartbreaking stories of lives stolen and forever changed because of the reckless decision to drink and drive. We know that more than one-third of drunk drivers are repeat offenders, and data has proven that ignition interlock devices reduce recidivism by 74%.

Last week, I held a press conference to promote my common-sense legislation, and I was honored to be joined by a strong group of survivors, public officials, and advocates. Read more about the bill on my website or watch the press conference here.
As always, if you have questions or need assistance with a state program or agency please reach out to my office. We are here to help!
Yours faithfully,

Cottie Petrie-Norris
California State Assemblywoman

I am proud to announce that Assembly Bill 2490, my bill to ensure women across our state can access quality reproductive care regardless of where they live, passed out of the Assembly Health Committee. A big thanks to the hard work of these amazing group of women from Reproductive Freedom for All California, Black Women For Wellness, ValourUS, and the TEACH Program for their consistent advocacy on this important issue.

I had a fantastic meeting with leaders of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, the organization representing Dockworkers all over the West Coast. We had a great discussion on the essential work that they do to ensure that the commodities that arrive from other parts of the United States and from overseas through our ports are efficiently unloaded, sorted, and transported throughout the nation.

The week also included a robust discussion among the Orange County Legislation Delegation, state, and local water officials about the highlights and challenges ahead in 2024. We heard from Department of Water Resources Director Karla Nemeth about the challenges facing the state caused by steep snowmelt and inadequate storage infrastructure. But, on the bright side, the Delegation heard from the Irvine Ranch Water District, Municipal Water District of Orange County, and Orange County Water District about the work that they're doing in anticipation of the snowmelt and long-term storage for the dry years ahead.

I also chaired the Utilities and Energy Committee Hearing where we heard 13 bills and engaged in great policy discussions. During the hearing, two of my bills were passed. AB 2672 would expand the state's energy bill discount program (California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE) to housing owned or run by public housing authorities. AB 2779 will require a rapid expansion of our transmission system. It requires the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) to report on new use possibilities and cost savings opportunities of Grid Enhancing Technologies (GET) in California.

Between bill hearings and presentations, I had the opportunity to visit with some of my local California Dental Association representatives during their Capitol advocacy day last week. With over 27,000 members statewide, CDA is doing some amazing work to ensure that dentists have a "seat at the table" when it comes to policy decisions that impact their patients and profession.

In celebration of Earth Day, I hosted a River Channel Cleanup in partnership with Orange County Coastkeeper. We were joined by 52 volunteers and collected 1,078 pounds of trash preventing it from entering into our ocean! There is no better way to mark this day than to come together as a community, roll up our sleeves, and lend a hand to get the work done to leave our neighborhood pristine.

It has become an Earth Day tradition to join the City of Costa Mesa's tree planting ceremony! I had a great time at their Earth Day Festival.

The weekend's Irvine Police Department annual open house was a success! Such a great turnout! It was great to watch the live demonstrations and to meet with the officers who work each and every day to protect our community. To be ranked consistently as one of the nation's safest cities is no small feat!

This year, the California Legislature will celebrate small businesses during the month of May. I am excited to honor a small business that has made a lasting local impact. As we take the time to reflect on the importance of small businesses, I invite you to submit a nomination for Small Business of the Year in the 73rd Assembly District. Check out highlights about our 2023 Small Business of the Year honoree here.
Nomination Requirements
- Business located in Costa Mesa, Irvine or Tustin
- Fewer than 100 employees
Please submit your nomination by Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Team Cottie was honored to join the City of Irvine for a dedication ceremony of the Sycamore Grove at the Bommer Canyon Preserve Cattle Camp in the honor of Mary Ann Gaido. She was a dedicated public servant and community advocate who served as former Councilmember and Planning Commissioner. Under her thoughtful leadership, Irvine experienced many significant accomplishments throughout more than four decades of public service to the City of Irvine and its residents.

Sending a heartfelt congratulations to Jonathan Tripp, Julie Schall, Jared Barnes, Francisco Diaz Christopher Rivera, George Villazuela for being recognized for as Costa Mesa Police Employees of the Year! Thank you for all your efforts, dedication and service to the community.

We were also happy to join Goodwill of Orange County at the grand opening of The Great Room at the Tierney Center for Veteran Services. Thank you to Goodwill of Orange County for their continued dedication to our veterans, and for creating this collaborative space for veterans, veteran-serving organizations and community groups to come together to create a lasting impact in our community.

Applications are now open for the Minerva Scholarship, and Breaking Barriers: Supporting Women in STEM, both established by Women in California Leadership.
The Minerva scholarship offers female students financial assistance to meet educational expenses. This year there are up to 108 one-time $3,000 scholarships and one $10,000 Golden Minerva Scholarship. The deadline to apply is May 31st, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
Requirements to be eligible for a Minerva Scholarship:
- Applicants must be enrolled full-time, in good academic standing at an accredited California college or university OR
- Applicants must be a graduating senior from a California high school with written proof of acceptance at an accredited institution of higher learning.
- Eligible students must identify as female.
- Have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5.
- Submit a completed online application with all required supplementary documents by the application deadline.
Breaking Barriers: Supporting Women in STEM
Breaking Barriers is designed to help women successfully pursue and complete education or training in a STEM field. For 2024, Breaking Barriers will provide 5 multi-year awards of $3,000 to $5,000 per year for female students enrolled in certification, apprenticeship, or other STEM-specific job training programs, or who are pursuing a STEM degree at an accredited institution of higher learning.
Requirements to be eligible for Breaking Barriers:
- Applicants must be enrolled in good standing apprenticeship, certification, or other program that provides job training for a STEM field, or supply written proof of acceptance for an apprenticeship, certification, or other program that provides job training for a STEM field; OR
- Be a student in good standing with written proof that their degree program is in a STEM-related field at an accredited college or university, with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.8.
- Eligible students must identify as female.
- Submit a completed online application with all required supplementary documents by the application deadline.
Apr 24 - DFPI Financial Literacy Resource Webinar

Unlock the Path to Financial Empowerment! Register for and join the California Department of Financial Protection & Innovation's (DFPI) 2024 Financial Literacy Resource Webinar. This year, DFPI is highlighting how you can safeguard your finances, spot the red flags, and protect yourself from frauds and scams.
Apr 27 - Costa Mesa Prescription Drug Take Back Event

On April 27, the Costa Mesa Police Department is participating in National Prescription Drug Take Back Day by providing a safe, convenient and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs. You are encouraged to drop off - anonymously and free of charge - your expired, unused or unneeded prescription drugs to the Costa Mesa Police Department. No RSVP required. For more information, please contact the Costa Mesa Police Department at (714) 754-5280.
Apr 27 - Irvine Prescription Drug Take Back Event

On April 27, the Irvine Police Department is participating in National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Community members can drop off unwanted medications (excluding sharps and liquids) for free at two designated locations in the City of Irvine - Hoag Health Center and Irvine Police Department.
May 4 - CicloIrvine Open Streets Event

The City of Irvine is excited to celebrate community, connection, and clean air through its first-ever car-free open streets event, CicloIrvine, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 4. Residents, visitors, and businesses are invited to stroll, bike, and roll along nearly 2 miles of streets closed to cars along Barranca Parkway and Harvard Avenue.
May 18 - Costa Mesa Household Waste & Shredding Event

Do you have bulky household items you need to throw away or important documents to shred? Bring your household waste, e-waste and documents to Estancia High School on Saturday, May 18, from 8-11 a.m. (or until intake capacity is reached).
May 18 - Love Costa Mesa Day

Join my office, Trellis, City of Costa Mesa, and your neighbors for the 7th Annual Love Costa Mesa Volunteer Day! You can participate by hosting a volunteer project or volunteering.